fake friends - happysoulmind

How to identify and spot fake friends & their friendships?

Friendship is the most beautiful aspect and term which one can experience in their life. We all have so many friends in our daily life. From real-life to social media networks, everywhere we have tons of friends. But have you ever thought that do you have “real friends” or only “so-called friends?” Might be if you have never got time to think over this, then this 3-4 minute read article will give you a detailed explanation. I will try to keep this article (How to identify and spot fake friends and their friendships?) as crisp and to the point as usual.

As soon as we enter into our childhood phase mostly around 5 years-6 years of age we start making friends. We make good friends, we make bad friends, we make helpful friends, we make selfish friends and then comes a category of fake friends. This friendship chain process goes on throughout our lifetime. We make new friends, we remove a few of them due to several reasons and again we make new friends whether it is in school, college, office, business or in personal life.

In this article, we will specifically discuss fake friends and their fake friendships. Many of us don’t even realise that they have these fake friends and when the time comes, it becomes too late for them to make the realisation and they get ditched and feel bad.

Here are a few traits which you should keep in mind and tally your friendship with these points. You just need to correlate these mentioned points with your friendship and compare. If more than 30% of the points match with your friendship then it’s time to think over your friendship and move ahead in your life.


This is the first and foremost basic trait which you should spot. In this busy world, everybody lacks time and everybody is super busy. You have to accept this fact. But, remember no one is too busy to simply respond to your call or text.

They can miss your call or text twice or thrice in a while but if it is happening very frequently then you should start thinking about it.

It might happen that once you had a very beautiful and awesome bond with your friend but that does not mean that you will have the same bond forever. Many factors are dependant on this. You just need to make sure your self-respect is not getting hurt.

Simply observe them. If they start ignoring you, you should realise it’s time to move on from that friendship. It might hurt you but it will preserve your self-respect. Everybody works hard today, everybody has a tight schedule but that does not mean you cannot afford your 10-15 minutes towards someone. After all, it all depends on priority. Observe!


Lies and dishonesty is the worst thing that you can experience in any sort of relationship. Since, this article is about friendship let’s keep this topic around it. It’s very funny that when a person lies to another they think actually they are smarter than the other but in reality, they are more dumb than the other. Because one day, no matter how hard you try to hide a fact it reveals itself at last.

So, if your friend is lying to you, don’t worry, one day you will definitely face the truth. And if you know this fact that he/she is lying to you then it seems to be an alert signal. You should reconsider and think about your friendship. Because a bond or relationship which requires a lie to run, can never be a true bond.


If you are thinking only “light” has a dual nature property, then you are absolutely wrong. There are people around us who also possess this property. In front of you they will be sweet, caring, humble, friends but when you are not around them they will start to humiliate you, start back bitching, insult you. Beware of these types of people.

One of the major reasons for breaking up friendships is due to this point. You might yourself have experienced this factor that someone is showing different characteristics in front of you and when you are not around them they are showing different aspects of themselves.

No need to be friends with these types of people. They can literally cause a huge loss to your self-respect and esteem at any point in your life. If somebody needs to be changed or change his/her behaviour then that person is not at all real. And there is no point at all in being friends with them.

There should be no second thoughts to discontinue this friendship. If a person is real, she/he should possess their characteristics same in front of everyone.

Operating You

This point is something that needs a bit of attention. Many people fail to realise this point. In fact, if they get this point they cannot find it in their friendship and there might be a high possibility that they are already a victim of this point.

Confused? Don’t be. In the next couple of lines, you will get a detailed explanation.

So, it might be highly possible that your close friends are using you and you yourself are not aware of this fact. They are simply operating you for their own benefit. It’s like a single way channel from which they are getting benefit just by grinding you.

The best way to realise this fact is, you need to isolate yourself from them for a couple of days and go on a self-realisation phase. Ask yourself questions and find the answers logically. Here, your logic and intelligence will come into play rather than your emotions and feelings.

We often fail to realise this fact because we become too much connected with them 24/7. You need to give yourself at least 3-4 days separation with them to realise this. Once you find a peaceful place, meditate a bit and then play the Q and A round (Question and Answer) round with yourself. Self-Realisation is the biggest gift that you can provide to yourself before it becomes too late to be in a toxic friendship relation.

Feeling of Jealousy

Healthy competition should be present in each and every relationship but it should never turn into jealousy. If a bond is getting turned into jealousy that means it’s time to rethink that bond/relationship. Friends might be jealous of you a bit because that’s how human nature works, but they will always try to understand your efforts and hard work which made you successful.

They will try to follow your aspects which made you successful rather than being a moron who gets jealous of their own friend’s success. And the funny fact is when someone is jealous, you can easily figure it out by looking at their reactions, the way they speak and responds. That’s how human psychology works.

When you realise this stage has come, it’s always better to start maintaining distance from your friends.


It does not matter if you are poor, middle class or rich. If you need to show off in front of your friend then trust me it’s not the right friendship. Many people in fact hang out with a few of them just to make them show inferiority and make them feel down. If you are one of those who is belonging to this type of circle, it’s absolutely time to leave.

If you need to prove your capacity, show off your lifestyle, fake yourself in front of your friends then it’s not actually a friendship bond. It’s just based on fake routes, showoffs and displays. It won’t last long as well.

These were the best 6 points which you can follow and realise how your friendship bond is.

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Keywords : (fake friends fake friendship, fake friends fake friendship, fake friends fake friendship, fake friends fake friendship, fake friends fake friendship)

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